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Jeanne's NineNorth Speak Out

NineNorth presents an opportunity to hear directly from candidates. Learn more about Jeanne in this video!

​The East Metro Voter Guide provides voters insights into candidates' views on policy issues and how they go about making decisions. Click here for the answers submitted by Jeanne and other candidates New Brighton City Council candidates, or read Jeanne's answers below.​

What style of leadership would you bring to this position?


As a City Council member, I would approach leadership with a posture of listening to understand – listening to members of the community and listening to my colleagues, just I have during my service on New Brighton City Commissions for the past twenty years. I would continue to work to create motivated environments supporting team-based success.

What would be your top three priorities if elected? How might these priorities be affected by the state's projected economic outlook? 


  • Understand, support and communicate the short and long term local housing challenges and create city policy/goals/vision.

  • Engage and encourage a strong and growing business community.

  • Enthusiastically partner with our schools, public safety and community organizations.

What do you consider the biggest challenge and conversely, the biggest opportunity in New Brighton?


I believe the biggest challenge before the New Brighton community is housing affordability and availability.


The biggest opportunity is putting some light on the divide between “north and south of 694." Facilitating organic growth in community activities, retail and service businesses and walkability. 

Please characterize your perspective on the ideal collaboration between government and the business community when it comes to tackling challenges whether they be education, housing, or workforce development. Do you feel the outcomes of the 2023-2024 legislative session positively or negatively impacted that collaboration and our state's business climate? 


Collaboration is imperative. A strong and thriving community is based on great relationships between local city government and businesses that support residents. When effective communication and hassle-free interactions are a priority, businesses can easily navigate the daily goal of “doing business” and residents can feel supported in their own back yard. Jobs are created, home values are strong, schools and education are valued and the community and neighborhoods benefit! 

How would you characterize the business climate in New Brighton and what role do you think the city should have in attracting and retaining jobs and new businesses in New Brighton? 


The business climate in New Brighton needs improvement. While New Brighton deserves kudos for attracting medium to large businesses that keep our industrial parks fully operational, the need to encourage and support small businesses, especially in high traffic areas, is noticeable. Small retail, local restaurants and entrepreneurial service providers in a walkable commerce-based community are missing. Residents must seek businesses outside New Brighton to meet these needs. There should be local options.


Finally, I would like to focus on healthy and productive communication between local government, residents and businesses. 

What are your strategies to address public safety challenges in your community?


New Brighton has benefitted from a long history with a well-respected and effective public safety department. Our residents and businesses regard the police and fire fighters as high value. We need to continue to support these assets through effective hiring, training, retention and support of those who serve on a daily basis. A safe community is a thriving community…New Brighton does this well! A strong public safety department will continue to be a priority.

What ideas do you have to address housing shortages and affordability?


While New Brighton may have few opportunities for new development, there are key parcels that can be reenergized and repurposed to create valuable and affordable options for those under the radar. In addition, more options to allow long term residents to remain within their community will create a domino effect, creating opportunities for others to invest in home ownership. Financial assistance for those who serve our community (police, fire, teachers, first responders, mental health professionals etc.) will support their home ownership within our neighborhoods.

How would you work to improve transportation options in your community, including improved safety for transit riders, pedestrian/bike, and drivers alike?


Walkability is a subject I am very passionate about!!!  Creating Green Streets and Complete Streets should be a big conversation in our community…I will enthusiastically champion that!

Cities have addressed many ongoing needs with temporary, federal COVID relief dollars, what are your plans to ensure fiscal stability as these federal, one-time funds run out? 


COVID and one time relief dollars should have and will be used for one time investment projects that benefit all residents. These one-time funding dollars should not be used as a budget balancing tool.

Uber/Lyft wages and proposed childcare subsidies funded by local property taxes are just a few areas where local units of government are wading into policy debates that may be best suited at the state. Please articulate the different scopes of work between state and local government (City/County). Are there specific areas of policy that the city should lead on in lieu of the state or county government?  


Local government is better suited to providing services, while state government is a policy making institution. Awareness of issues and decisions at a broader level help us to better serve our residents and businesses.

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